You are here: Modules EKG Modules EG12000  


Twelve Channel EKG Module

  • Twelve Channel EKG Module
  • Size: 88 x 53 mm
  • Mechanically compatible to the three and five channel version
  • Power consumption: 250 mW at 5 V
  • Serial UART interface
  • Integrated, CF-grade galvanic patient isolation
  • Complies with 60601-2-27*
  • Three lead cable can be used to display I or II or III
  • Four lead cable can be used to display I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF
  • Five lead cable can be used to display I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF and one C lead
  • Ten lead cable can be used to display I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
  • Optional respiration measurement using the impedance method
  • Limb leads defibrillation protected
  • Detection and measurement of pulse: 30 - 248 bpm
  • Pulse: +- 1 %, +- 1 digit
  • Four amplification stages
  • Four curve transmission speeds
  • "Lead-Off" detection for each single electrode
  • Optionally simulated output of an EKG trace
  • Pulse trigger output pin
  • Delay of pulse trigger to R-wave adjustable

*See here for further explanation

Data Sheet

Download data sheet [357 KB] in PDF format.

Technical Manual

Download technical manual [363 KB] in PDF format (Version 1.05).

Evaluation Software

Test Software for evaluation of the EG12000 board with full source code and compiled program.

Download and extract into one directory:
Visual Basic 6.0, V1.3 [477 KB]
Visual C# .NET 2.0, V2.0.0.16 [303 KB]

Order Information

Delivery Order Number
Test Kit:
EG12000 OEM Board
10 Lead ECG cable
Carrier PCB
PC / Power Cable
Evaluation software
EG12000 OEM Board
for Measurement of Respiration Rate